- peak current
- ток пика
Англо-український і українсько-англійський словник з аналітичної хімії. — Севастополь: «Вебер». В.В. Рафалюк, О.М. Ловягін . 2002.
Англо-український і українсько-англійський словник з аналітичної хімії. — Севастополь: «Вебер». В.В. Рафалюк, О.М. Ловягін . 2002.
peak current — pikinė srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. peak current vok. Spitzenstrom, m rus. пиковый ток, m pranc. courant de crête, m ryšiai: sinonimas – smailinė srovė … Automatikos terminų žodynas
peak current density — didžiausiasis srovės tankis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. peak current density vok. Spitzenstromdichte, f rus. пиковая плотность тока, f pranc. crête de densité de courant, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Current limiting — is the practice in electrical or electronic circuits of imposing an upper limit on the current that may be delivered to a load with the purpose of protecting the circuit generating or transmitting the current from harmful effects due to a short… … Wikipedia
Peak coal — is the point in time at which the maximum global coal production rate is reached, after which, according to the theory, the rate of production will enter to a terminal decline. Coal is a fossil fuel formed from plant matter over the course of… … Wikipedia
Peak bagging — (also hill bagging, mountain bagging, Munro bagging,[1] or just bagging) is an activity in which hillwalkers and mountaineers attempt to reach the summit of some collection of peaks, usually those above some height in a particular region, or… … Wikipedia
Peak uranium — is the point in time that the maximum global uranium production rate is reached. After that peak, the rate of production enters a terminal decline. While Uranium is used in nuclear weapons, its primary use is for energy generation via nuclear… … Wikipedia
Peak copper — is the point in time at which the maximum global copper production rate is reached, after which, according to theory, the production rate will enter terminal decline. Copper is among the most important industrial metals. Like fossil fuels, copper … Wikipedia
Peak Records — is a record label that was co founded by The Rippingtons leader and guitarist Russ Freeman Andi Howard in 1994.The early years, Peak founded as a production for Russ group The Rippingtons in GRP Records. Now, Peak is a part of Concord Records.… … Wikipedia
Peak demand — is used to refer to a historically high point in the sales record of a particular product. In terms of energy use, peak demand describes a period of strong consumer demand. Contents 1 Peak load 1.1 Off peak 1.2 Response … Wikipedia
Peak wheat — is the concept that agricultural production, due to its high use of energy inputs [IFDC, World Fertilizer Prices Soar, http://www.ifdc.org/i wfp021908.pdf] , is subject to the same profile as oil and gas production. [Peak Oil, Peak Gold, How… … Wikipedia
Peak Rail — is a preserved railway operating timetabled steam services for tourists and visitors to the Peak District and the Derbyshire Dales. It currently runs for a little under 4 miles between Matlock Riverside and Rowsley South. It remains the intention … Wikipedia